Billylee Janey
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Billylee Janey

Billylee Janey has been compared to such greats as Clapton, Beck, and Hendrix. Even though these guitar heroes have been an inspiration to him, Billylee’s own soulful and passionate love for music clearly and creatively […]

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{Jerusalem} Legendary UK heavy rock group who delivered over-the-top blistering performances on their 1972 debut album. Anyone could easily mistake this for early 80s British heavy metal it’s so heavy and raw. The Jerusalem Story. […]

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Iron Claw

{Iron Claw} Hailing from the town of Dumfries in South West Scotland, the origins of the band Iron Claw started in the summer of ’69! Founder member Alex Wilson, who was then aged 21, and […]

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{Ashbury} Randy Davis started playing guitar full time in January 1977, playing lead guitar for a house band in southern Oklahoma. At the same time he joined a local rock band called Rigid Spur, which […]